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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Chocobites by Rachel

I've developed this terrible habit of really wanting to have something sweet after every meal so, naturally, I needed to find something healthier to have for dessert rather than cookies and cakes all the time.  Well, I think I've found just the thing!

Dark chocolate has just enough sweetness and fruit and nuts have just the right texture.  Combining the two make a delicious dessert!

100 grams of dark chocolate (1 bar of Lindt)
1/4 cup of raisins
1/4 cup of golden raisins
1/4 cup of almonds
1/4 cup crushed walnuts
1/4 cup halved peanuts
1/4 cup dried apricots, diced

All these ingredients are estimates.  You can really use whatever ingredients you like with chocolate.  I recommend dried fruits and nuts because they will keep longer in the chocolate.

- Break the chocolate bar into pieces and melt.  You can do this the classic way over a double boiler or just place the broken up chocolate bits into the microwave for about 20 seconds.  Remove from heat and mix the chocolate until it is smooth.

- On a wax paper sheet, make circles of chocolate with a spoon.

- Top the chocolate discs with a mix of the fruit and nuts.  Top it with as much as you want as long as it sticks in the chocolate.

- Let the chocolate set.  This should take a few hours.  I know, I know...the pain of waiting!  But you really do need to let the chocolate set, otherwise the bite won't hold together.

That's it!  A very easy recipe!  No bake, no trouble.  Enjoy!

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