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Sunday, December 1, 2013

Special Ingredient: Potato and Crab Croquettes with Sweet and Spicy Aioli by Rachel

After thinking long and hard about an ingredient to feature in December, Heather and I decided that we would feature potatoes.  They are a starch used in so many foods and I wanted to pair them with something that people might not usually think to pair potatoes with.  I chose crab meat.

Boring, old potatoes?  I think not!
Crab meat is such a delicate thing and potatoes are so heavy, but when brought together in a nice and crispy croquette, they are unforgettable. I had friends in town from LA (my dear friend, the Skinny Critic and her fiancé) as well as my fiancé's brother.  I wanted them to have a really special dinner with us so I made these croquettes as an appetizer.


makes about 24 croquettes

3 large russet potatoes
1 pinch of salt
2 tbsp heavy cream
16 oz of canned crab meat (lump)
1 tbsp paprika
1 bag of panko bread crumbs
1 egg, beaten
1/4 cup all purpose flour
Canola oil

- Wash and peel all the potatoes.  Cut them into similar sized cubes.

- Fill a pot with water.  The water should be enough to cover all the potatoes.  Add in the salt and bring the water to a boil.

- Pour in your potatoes and let the potatoes cook for about 15 minutes uncovered.  When you add in the potatoes, don't lower the temperature.

- Drain the cooked potatoes and place them in a large bowl.  Add the heavy cream and mash them.

- Let cool completely.  It's best to place them in the fridge for about an hour.

- Add in the crab meat and the paprika and stir until all ingredients are fully incorporated.

- Take about 2-3 tbsp of the mixture at a time into your hands and form balls with them.  I flatten mine in the center so that they are easier to heat through when I fry them.  Repeat until all of your mixture is used up.

- Set up your stations!  Place the flour, egg and panko crumbs in their own individual bowls.

- First, roll the potato crab ball into the flour, then the egg, and finally the panko.  Repeat until all your balls are covered with panko.  Place in the fridge for 15 minutes.

- Fill a sauce pan with about 2 inches of canola oil and heat on medium high heat for about 8 minutes.

- Place the cold croquettes in the hot oil (maximum 3 at a time) and let each side cook for about 2-3 minutes (until browned) before you flip them over.  Your oil should start to bubble instantly when you put the croquettes in.  If it doesn't, then your oil isn't hot enough.

- Once both sides are browned, remove them from the oil and place them on a plate lined with paper towel to absorb the excess oil.

Croquettes are done!  I created a great sauce to dip them in as well.

Ingredients for the sauce
1/2 cup olive oil
lemon juice from 1/2 a lemon
1 egg yolk
1 clove of garlic
1 tbsp Sriracha sauce
1 1/2 tsp castor sugar
1tsp salt

- Blend together the olive oil, lemon juice, egg yolk and garlic until it comes together into a thick sauce.  It should be the consistency of mayo.

- Add in Sriracha sauce, salt and sugar.  Adjust ingredients if you like, but mix until creamy.

And voila!  You have a beautifully impressive app!  This croquette makes the potatoes seem light and fluffy.  Even though they are fried, they don't soak up the oil (if fried at the right temperature).  Try it out at your next dinner party or as a dish to take to a potluck.  They're great to share.

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