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Thursday, October 24, 2013

Hello, World!

We finally did it.  We started a food blog and we're excited to start share our cooking adventures with you!

After posting picture after picture on Instagram, we're always asked how we find the time to make the dishes that we make or what our techniques are in cooking things that seem intimidating or complicated, so we've finally decided to put together a blog of all our at-home creations to share with you.  

With all the craziness that goes on in our lives, we find solace and comfort in cooking something yummy to share with our friends and family.  While we're not professional chefs, we've become the chefs in our own homes and have created some pretty tasty dishes (if we do say so ourselves).

We'll be sharing them here and we hope that you'll start to enjoy cooking as much as we do!

Rachel and Heather

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